Personal finance is all about managing your own money and earnings.
It's about looking into all the resources you have through which you are getting money, listing your expenses, your goals in life and then planning the investments logically and systematically.
Thus it is preparing yourself well in advance for such unforeseen happenings, increasing your net worth, and, simultaneously achieving your goals which can be investing for your living after your retirement, or, investing regularly so that you have ample money to expand your business after ten years.
The planning should be systematic and should carefully be monitored over a certain time. This is important so as to find out any shortcomings in the investment plan and what should be done to improve it, whether the investment is being done regularly or whether there are other options available which are more appropriate for placing your money, how can it be replaced and many such things.
But first assess your current earnings and other resources which you have. Then find out and make a list of all the expense that you have.
Next step is to make a list of all your goals which you have for future. They can be expanding your business after ten years and thus the money you need at that time, or, it can be that you require certain sum after five years for you child higher education, or, paying out certain amount out of your earnings so that you can complete your home loan by tenth year from today.
Next is to lay down a plan as to how you will achieve them. It may include whether you need to have an extra income from any other source. Your old mobile can earn you extra bucks, there are many outside who can pay for your old mobile. Look out whether you need to cut down on your dinner every weekend reducing it to one or two visit in a month so that you save some dollars.
This plan will go a long way only if you monitor it regularly and review it according to your resources and conditions. But the thing is sticking to it until it becomes very necessary to make any changes.
So what next? Search out the banks and financial companies and find out the investment plans best suited for you. Also consult a broker or expert in the field of finance to get tips on the investments. Find out the level of risk which you can take for investing in the market. That is decided on the age and the responsibilities that you have.
So go ahead and plan your finances.